Friday, August 14, 2009

It's been awhile...

It really feels like jumping on the bandwagon to be finally adding a new entry to my blog today. I saw Julie and Julia last night and it made me want to blog. It also made me want to eat French food. Le Madeline is right across from the movie theater, but sadly, it was closed. Chili's was not closed and it was amusing how long we took to decide what to get because "southwest" this and deep fried that just was not what you feel like eating after that movie. You want baguettes and brie, or meat baked into bread or anything cooked with wine. And you want some sort of sauce on the side that has butter in it. I wonder what Julia Child thought of salsa. I'm pretty sure, though, if she ever deep fried anything, she probably did it in butter.

I also looked to see if her cook book was at Barnes and Noble, and every one is sold out. By the way, I would watch just about anything with Meryl Streep in it.